The Alton Project

Creating a Community of Faith in the Riverbend Area


The Mission

Our mission is simple. Everything we do surrounds one of three things:  connecting with God, each other, or the world around us.  But just because it's a simple statement does not mean it is easy.  
Our relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the foundation of a new life of hope and peace. So we seek to deepen that relationship through worship as a group and encountering the presence of God one-on-one through the rest of our week.
 But we were never meant to do life alone, and so we seek to connect with those around us to grow together, challenge one another, support each other, and to simply have some fun. You don't have to feel alone.  
The world is in desperate need of a message of hope. And so we seek to take the relationship we've developed with God and the bonds we've formed with others, and go out to engage the world around us, attending to people's needs and seeing the value in all those around us, but also sharing the story of the amazing hope and peace we've found in God.
See? Simple... but not easy. So, join the mission!

The Strategy

The mission is great, but what is our vision for how it gets implemented?
Well, we want to do things a little differently.
We know you're busy and life is chaotic.  So we hope to offer you a way to connect to a community of faith that becomes a foundation upon which the rest of your life is built, and not just another item on your "to do" list.
So, we offer meaningful Worship Gatherings that allow you to encounter the presence of God, recharge your spiritual batteries, and connect with other people desiring to do the same.  If you miss one, though, that's okay... no judgment here. It doesn't fully replace being there in person, but we'll soon be live streaming our worship gatherings, offering more of them on different days of the week, and the messages are posted weekly so you can worship on your time. Enjoy!
Life is hard. And it can often feel like we're struggling through it alone. We seek to be a faith community that develops deep, authentic relationships through  our Connect Groups that gather to explore what it means to follow Jesus Christ, and through Fellowship events where we just get together to have fun.  Life is hard... might as well enjoy it.
And finally, we believe every person is worthy and valuable as a child of God. So, we hope to share that message with as many people as possible. You are loved. You are valuable. You have a purpose. There is hope. 

Want to know more? Just ask!

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